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2021 Mock Draft Contest Results

Well, we stank.

Of the Patriots' nine rookies, exactly two were in the collective lists of 12 that this year's crop of NEPFF commenters presented. Of the eight draft picks, we correctly guessed one.


That said, a handful of us (four) did get points for having Mac Jones on the quarterback list, and two received points for picking Jones as the team's first-round selection. However, a minor scoring discussion came to be when the Patriots selected Christian Barmore in the second round, as two participants had Barmore in their list of New England first-rounders. After conferring, I have decided not to award points due to the specification in the rules, but did use it as the first tiebreaker in case that situation arose.

It didn't arise.

As I said, only two of the Patriots' nine rookies were in our collective lists of 12. Undrafted kicker Quinn Nordin was one of 12 kickers on Hugo was my homeboy's mock. The half points from the sixth spot on the board gave him 4 points, good for third place. (Second place went to evaldes101993, who got three points for Jones as a quarterback and three for Jones as a first-rounder, good for 6 altogether.)

But this year's winner and (I believe) first-time champion is memokerobi, who put Jones third on his list and thus earned 10 points, plus three for the correct round, plus two each for first-round and quarterback, for a grand total of 17 points.

Congrats memo, less congrats to everyone else.

Full results can be found here; a list of all players we guessed (and their actual destinations) can be found here.

Matt Monitto Author Photo
Matt Monitto
Memorable Sports Moments
Super Bowl XXXVIII, Super Bowl LI, 2004 World Series, 2008 MLB All-Star Game, Attending the final two minor league games at New Britain Stadium
