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Ring Envy: Cardinals @ Patriots

My personal favorite when it comes to articles because this means we won.

  • 6 games to prove that we’re a playoff team starts today. Always tough going out East, but we have a winning streak in Foxborough, so let’s keep it going.

  • BB is going to school KK

  • I sure hope we sack Cam numerous times today

  • Golden intercepts the pass as Hicks put on the pressure!!

  • Glorious start

  • Isabella with a nice run.

  • Have to cash it in

  • TD Drake? Looked like he was in? He was across the whole goaline and they didn’t call it a TD for drake?

  • I think Cam Newton might be evidence that Covid changes your brain chemistry

  • Best start to a football game this year

  • False start on an extra point? Wow

  • When is Kliff going to start fining players for false starts in empty stadiums??!!! JFC!!!

  • Another stupid penalty

  • Now that we took advantage of their mistake let's not return the favor

  • I'm scared witless about Kylers shoulder....we will see :shrug:

  • Let's not see the defense let up and give up a big play this drive.

  • Cam way off again. We bail them out with a hold though

  • Way to give them a free first down ugh!

  • Another extended drive thanks to a penalty.

  • This is how you give other teams the momentum back. Bad penalty

  • If penalties won super bowls we would crowned already

  • This team is a good coaching staff away. Whether the current one can be that coaching staff remains to be seen.

  • Campbell beasting!

  • Wow. How the hell do we give up a 16 yard screen on 3-16?

  • Cardinals let Patriots off the hook on third down again.

  • I guess the D doesn’t want to get off the field

  • Does a sweep to the short side of the field EVER work??

  • Wow what a lucky bounce

  • Unreal punt. Wow we just can't get a break

  • New England is BLEEDING the clock so much on offense. Its why we gotta make our possessions count. Blow them out so they dont hang around.

  • Drake with a 14 yard run!

  • Our OL is dominating them!

  • Defense looks porous

  • Late sub and we waste a TO. New week same problems

  • That idiotic ref caused that delay of game, I mean these refs are lethargic today

  • Another coaching failure. Wasted TO

  • Its the Kliff amateur hour at times with him.

  • Brilliant offensive mind, but not a head coach. He’s young so hopefully he can learn, but so far he hasn’t. Another TO on offense again

  • This drive is dead. Fantastic.

  • Kyler didn’t need to run backwards. He blew the end of this drive.

  • A learning experience play. Buts thats Belicheck though.

  • Kyler needs to develop a short term memory. He seems to brood to much on the sidelines. The great ones get that tablet and study what’s going on IMO

  • Special teams breakdown on that Patriots return.

  • Looked like a greased pig on that return

  • That’s how to keep a bad team in the game damnit

  • Wow here we go... 15 yard penalty on Simmons for using his head

  • You’re beating the hell out of them and then give up a bad ST team play to let them back in it.

  • Kylie Fitts is freaking awful, every play goes through a missed tackle by him

  • This team is going nowhere with this defense.

  • Man. Fitts looks like he is running with cement shoes

  • VJ is an idiot, how can we not account for the back in a wide open side. F’ing stupid defense at times

  • Win or lose I’m tired of watching this team get out coached

  • Kliff needs to read the book Art of War

  • We are giving the momentum

  • Now we suck at everything

  • What's with the O line today? Several times Kyler has a guy in his face right away.

  • D looks like swiss cheese right now

  • I will never understand when a QB lined up with a fullback only in the backfield, then why don’t the linebackers instantly blitz. 9/10 times it’s a QB power. 2 plays in a row they’ve done it

  • We have had some bad returners, but Kirk is close to the worst. Kirk the master of a thousand steps but doesn’t go anywhere

  • The offense looks disjointed

  • Belicheck doing a good job of keeping Murray from running.

  • Getting blown up and pushed back

  • If a defense takes away kylers running lanes it’s got to be giving something . . . an offensive genius should’ve seen that by now and adjusted.


  • Well sighhhh told ya this will haunt us

  • Oline with zero push

  • **** this oline

  • That was just not smart football and all the talking heads on here calling for us to go for it were out of their minds...

  • Shotgun on 4th and goal from 6 inches ! ?

  • A run play. We ran a run play right up the middle of a Belichick defense. No play-action. No option for Murray to run or pass, or running to create a pass. Once again Kliff Doofusberry forgets who got him here and once again it costs us dearly. A run play.

  • The cardinals aren’t a very good team. They are a mediocre team. and that goose egg is courtesy Kirk.

  • There is no way Drake didn’t break the plane there. These refs are hot ******* garbage....

  • Once again amateur-hour coaching. First after wasting 2 timeouts he calls the last timeout so late a runoff on a false start would have ended the half. Then his inability to design run plays sends Drake into a hole certain to be filled by the defensive formation. I’d suggest a flip to Williams. They could have used that 2 man game options to provide alternatives. KK admired Murphy in high school and that’s the level his coaching might win at.

  • This game has infuriating loss written all over it.

  • We are playing too freaking conservative

  • every time you get in singleback formation you are signaling run

  • Kliff doing everything he can with his play calling to give the Pats momentum

  • ST!!! WTF. Luckily they threw an illegal blindside block

  • Well there goes momentum

  • It's always so surreal when we see the other team getting robbed.

  • As usual, we are beating ourselves with idiocy and bad coaching. The other team has done absolutely nothing.

  • Anyone who’s b****ing about TD refereeing after that laughable penalty on the Patriots, you need to stop drinking the Cardinals Kool Aid

  • Murray still plays like a rookie.

  • The referees giveth, the referees taketh away.

  • I have no confidence whatsoever that we win this game.

  • 2 special teams big returns lead to 2 easy TDs for NE. How do we dominate early and blow it late? That’s a new way to F it up.

  • Budda got his arse trucked.

  • Patriots have the momentum. You can feel it.

  • This whole game is exposing the heck out of Kliff

  • I don't think fans realise how average Kliff would be without Kyler saving his ass so much. If Kyler isn't elite all the time we're screwed.

  • Can't have Kliff and Vance on the same team.

  • Belichick adjusts , KK and VJ don't

  • Picked. ****


  • I'm not going to say I could see EXACTLY this performance coming. But I did.

  • I’m going to hang lights on my Christmas Tree and I hate hanging lights. This is crazy

  • I don’t think this team wants this win today

  • Pathetic. We are going to get blown out now

  • Screaming let's go isn't going to scheme you to a win.

  • Zack Allen hurt? Shocking!?! Another bust of a keim draft pick?!? Shocking.

  • Up 10-0 after 2 drives. Since can’t do $hit. What a joke.

  • I stopped putting up Christmas lights for this??

  • This defense cannot read a simple pitch. It was bloody obvious.

  • How to give up a lead By Arizona Cardinals

  • Well maybe now Kliff will stop calling his ***** game plan that has been since we were up 10 zip! Ducking throw the ball to Nuk and quit with the Drake up the middle nonsense! Roll Kyler out don’t have him throw in the pocket where balls get batted ! Jesus this is simple **** our coach is a freaking moron sometimes!

  • If BB was coaching this Cardinals team over this same patriots team it would be 28-3 AZ at least. We have more talent than NE does yet we are struggling against them .

  • What's discouraging is the Cardinals defense shows no sign of stopping the Patriots.

  • We fn suck. How you are losing this game. If we lose I’m done for this year. Such a waste of Talent. New England is GARBAGE!! THEY ARE TERRIBLE. No passing Game. They have run the same 4 plays all game. Go watch. Same design. Same concept. No passes down field. And we are losing. What a joke

  • Two receivers right next to each. WTF?!?

  • The guy being double teamed gets the sack. The oline sucks ass.

  • I’m out You can’t beat this garbage ass team. I’m in awe. NE is awful.

  • Middle of our line can’t block a Girl Scout right now.

  • Early season record totally fools gold.

  • Took 48 minutes to call a designed QB run. Revolutionary

  • And now we burn a TO. FIRE KLIFF. We are the least prepared team in the NFL. What a joke!

  • This offense by 1000 paper cuts isn't going to get it done

  • I hope somebody gets Kingsbury a watch for Christmas, one with all types of features, including a play clock alarm function.

  • We’re not a ball control team and yet we’re dominating it because of the lack of creativity and poor interior line play. Can’t tell you the number of times I’ve watched Drake bang his head in the offensive line and Hopkins runs either a 6 yard out or stop.

  • Our offensive genius of a head coach is getting b****-slapped by the opposing coach yet again..

  • If not for the pick I'd be screamign for the obvious hold on Newton's left side they tackled the rusher

  • Here comes conservative for the long field goal try

  • Ugh heart attack central

  • 2 yards short of a crucial first down and a smaller cornerback barely touched him... Ugh...

  • What a loser this coach

  • Sorry 47 yard FG. Our coach is a *****! ZG missed it and we’re gonna lose. KK you’re garbage

  • I LOL’d out loud. I saw that coming. It’s like deja vu all over again.

  • Kliff is a ******* awful coach.

  • Game over. Out coached

  • Why call timeout?? Why call timeout?? Why call timeout??

  • That is a ******** call. He was in bounds!

  • Instead of leaving the game in Kyler Murray's hands, we ran the ball 87 times and left the game in Zane's leg. No bueno says Jay Leno.

  • So we playing touch football now?

  • This was a coaching win. This is why good coaching is paramount.

  • Why the **** do you call timeout on 3rd and 13. What the ****

  • All I can do is laugh.

  • Strait ********

  • That is the sorriest loss I can remember. Cards were twice as good a team and found a way to lose.

  • Kliff may have a far far better roster, but he isn’t anywhere close to belichek... we need to stop ******* around and find a real NFL coach.

  • Now we know how he managed to have a losing record with Patrick Mahomes as his quarterback in college.

  • I might be done for the season.. these types of games is not good for my health.. I think this season so far has shaved off 5 years of my life..

E. Valdez Author Photo
E. Valdes
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SB39, SB49, SB51, Celtics 2007, Red Sox 04, Red Sox 13
