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Ring Envy: Patriots @ Chargers

So, you're telling me there's a chance?

  • The comeback starts TODAY!

  • Comeback??? Did somebody say comeback???? (Stifles laugh and chokes on coffee......)

  • This is a trap game for the Cheatriots...

  • Remember they have a secret weapon........Our head coach........

  • Hoping Joey knocks the hair rollers out of Cam. The difference in attitude between last week and this week is unbelievable. I see capitulation. That means the bottom is near.

  • Belicheck could be beat us with 22 practice squad players as starters. All hope was crushed in that s*** show we saw last week.

  • Can't wait to see what tricks the leader of fine me has up his sleeve this game. That clueless/constipated look he has on the sideline is awe inspiring. In actuality I am looking forward to see how Herbie does against Billicheats D.

  • On paper, we have a lot more talent than the Patriots and should win the game fairly easily. The disparity in coaching staffs has already been pointed out which is, of course, the great equalizer. I could see us pounding them, especially with Newton having an abdominal injury that may make him even crappier than he has been all year and the D is just ordinary. I could also see Belichick confusing the hell out of Herbert and forcing our offense to struggle and forcing a few turnovers.

  • Bolt the eff up!!! Embrace the chance to hurt the Patriots playoff chances. Start to get some payback on this franchise that has broken our hearts repeatedly on the biggest stages. I wanna see 41-7

  • Looking forward to Bosa kicking Pat’s ass today.

  • so far looks like the last playoff game with NE.....

  • wildcat. wow McDaniels already toying with our D

  • This is a brutal start

  • first down on every play except the WR drop.....

  • RPO....

  • Gus Bradley sucks bro

  • I'd LOVE to be an offensive coordinator against a Gus Bradley designed defense.

  • wtf happened

  • Told y’all they were gonna run it down our throats

  • Just pounded down the chargers run d.

  • Cam out wide. crazy

  • Newton outpowers Bosa and Murray to get to the pylon.

  • This is 1950.

  • they better run Gus out of town if this keeps up.

  • Embarrassing

  • Telesco the telescope can’t even see how bad he is

  • cam is a punk

  • Why were the linebackers standing deep in the endzone and watching?

  • Stupidest...coaching...on...this...planet! Where is 9 in the box? Where are the LBs when the ball is at the half yard line? That had to be a 100% sell out for the run. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

  • wow..... our defense cant stop anything but our offense is moving the ball well

  • why do we run routes short on short yardage???

  • And another commitment by the Charger coaches to "run" more than pass. Run being in quotation marks.

  • difference in defenses is obvious.....

  • Its no good. Get that practice squad Kicker ready for next week.

  • Anyone surprised by the end of that drive by us?

  • badgley will be looking for work tomorrow

  • Feeney is weak and pathetic.New Center THIS year TT.Damn!

  • Special teams continue to be special

  • I want new coaches so bad. We need creative coaches who can run multiple plays from a variety of sets: 2 TEs, 2 RBs, motion, bunch. Everything is so telegraphed. Poor Herbie. We have to free him.

  • Chargers Special teams are weaponized against Justin Herbert.

  • Any guy so vain to name himself money badger deserves to suck and he STFU does suck......a**hole

  • How come everytime Badgely kicks and misses it, I don’t get surprised anymore... I get more surprised when he makes it.

  • great ST's screw us agsin!!!

  • Welp, the coach "reassigning" thing didn't work out too well.

  • Special teams are special....again.

  • God damn, you couldn’t have worse ST than we do if you tried.

  • Someone tell me why we were favorites to win this game?

  • That is what it mean to be outcoached. Totally exposed. Could we please fire Lynn before halftime?!

  • Lynn reassigning Stewart and taking a more active role in the ST has sure paid off. /sarcasm off

  • Lynn gives his personal attention to ST and they get worse HAHA

  • Team so terrible, belichick or mcdaniels not going to want to come here next year

  • I have never seen a coach be so clueless ever. By the way, did the Patriots just leave both gunners uncovered?

  • 3 and out again. What a brilliant offensive game plan we had for this game.

  • this is depressing

  • Team looks like it quit. No fight out there at all

  • It looks like the patriots have the Chargers playbook.

  • Chargers look like a disorganized rabble next to the efficient smooth killing machine that Belichick has placed there on the field.

  • I'm hiding all my Charger gear at the back of the closet!

  • Why are we playing stupid base defenses?!

  • The typical Belichick mantra - take away what the other team does best. They have taken away Allen and we seem to not know what to do.

  • OMG, Herbie may not survive this game

  • Well Storm Norton looks like a total POS so the charts horrible.

  • This sorry ass OL is going to get Herbert hurt with how bad they are playing.

  • This O line is ****.Front to back side to side failure.No defending it or makin stupid ass excuses.It is a total embarrassment.F***** A!Screw TT get the hell outta town and take your coachin staff with ya loser!

  • Uninspired and undisciplined. I've seen this show before.

  • this game is like adults vs children...... total domination..

  • Patriots openly mocking us by deliberately not scoring--knowing they can anytime they want. Did someone on this board really claim that Lynn is a better coach than Belichick? LMFAO. We have been schooled in every single aspect of this game. Our coaching staff has had no answers for anything the Patriots have done in the first half.

  • walking my dog. I'll come back by the 4rth when you all will be eating crow after Lynn/Bradley make some brilliant adjustments in the locker room.

  • If Santa brings me ANYTHING with a lightning bolt on it I'm knocking his fat ass out!

  • LMFAO - you literally could not make this up.

  • OMG?????? 58 yard miracle FG attempty is not only blocked but returned for a TD!!????? is this enough to fire some coaches?????

  • well when it rains it pours.

  • *yakkity sax music*

  • Special teams are special, again....again..... This is getting absurd.

  • MY GOD.... THERE ARE NO WORDS. If this doesn't get Lynn fired nothing will.

  • fire lynn and stewart. make bradley interim, to be fired after the season. fire telesco. this is a joke of epic proportions

  • Is bleach strong enough to clean out this stinker out of my eyes and nose?

  • Deano not showing balls during the week is the worst... he should've fire everyone during the week... Deano doesn't have any balls.. we have the worst owner in the league..

  • Lynn's reaction to the blocked FGA TD was to put his hands on top of his head. That will certainly help.

  • Can we draft a head coach instead of a player?

  • Down 28-0, we open with a run! **** Anthony Lynn!

  • this could be the ass kicking of the century. anyone know the biggest lopsided score in nfl history?

  • I don't mind losing like that, it exposes those frauds called Coaches, GMs and Owners... that thing that really pisses me is seeing Cam Newton acting like he is an All World Player.

  • The Chargers get worse every week, extremely bad coaching. It's truly embarrassing .

  • Down 35-0, is it possible that Lynn could finally go early down pass heavy, up tempo, no huddle (otherwise known as the approach I recommended for the entire game)?

  • I smell a comeback coming. *downs his eighth shot*

  • Belichik & Co. Watched a lot of game videos of our offense.

  • no game better illustrates the impact of coaching

  • Chargers coaches are so bad. How bad are they?

  • They're so goddamn bad the players don't even know what playing units they are supposed to be on

  • Offer Belichick 14 million to leave NE and also be the GM.

  • Thank goodness Lynn helped with the STs. Otherwise our draft position for next year might have been at risk. Oh, and **** LYNN!!!

  • Adrian Phillips to ex teammates after game: Oh bro, after being here, playing for Lynn was like being at the circus

  • The person who hired Anthony Lynn should be fired.

  • Guy looks like a Hall-of-Famer out there. Belichick piling it on: probably pasted someone's "Anthony Lynn is a better head coach than Belichick" slogan on his desk this week.

  • Change the name of the team from Chargers to Comedians. This was a joke, a really bad one at that!

  • i don't know why they pick guys who do well at a position in college and try to change them. my wife has been trying for 30 years to do the same thing to me.

  • You were right, our O-line played like patients in an ICU ward. All flatlined...

  • I knew Bellichick would beat us with STs but had no idea how massively Lynn's " NFL team" would be dominated. Exhibit "A" : Top vet NFL HC versus a wannabe.

  • I feel bad for you diehards and we know this well. You just can’t shut it off. You’re just waiting for something.......anything. Drink, smoke, pound the wood do whatever you gotta do boys there is no shame in taking the pain.

  • Watching the entire game today was about enjoyable as a root canal!

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E. Valdes
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