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Ring Envy: Patriots vs Panthers

  • Today the Panthers host the New England Patriots.The Panthers have owned the Patriots at BoA, but Bill Belichick has owned Sam Darnold his entire career. Something's gotta give.


  • I smell victory on the horizon!

  • It's a very winnable game, but it's also a very losable game.

  • Mac Jones is gonna struggle

  • The amount of Patriots fans out there is sickening. Gross.

  • IMO Panthers are flat-out a more talented team than the Patriots, especially with McCaffrey back. I'd be really disappointed if we lost this game. 

  • Undefeated with McCaffrey playing. Let’s keep it that way

  • Also undefeated when we keep opponents to 14 or less. Hope our D shows up today!

  • I have a feeling BB is gonna put the final nail in the coffin for Carolina today. He’s gonna coach circles around rhule

  • Finally a good play by play announcer. Thank you CBS.

  • Yep, the Patriots will be running the same type of offense that the Panthers will be. Running to set up the pass.

  • Held like crazy

  • have we ever stopped a second and 25?

  • The Panthers just got abused on that run

  • Adam “scrambled eggs for brains” Archuleta calling the game. Looking for that mute button

  • That’s the problem with that defense, if they get past first line then chasing from behind

  • Here comes the start of the CMC abuse.

  • im scard for CMC

  • Which shoulder did Sam hurt

  • 2 plays 2 carries for CMC ugh why

  • NGL surprised Darnold is playing

  • 2 plays and another injury. sigh

  • Lol thanks a lot Elflein for being injured yet again. Couldve been our backup Center if he werent so soft.

  • hell yeah, let's barrel glass boy straight up the gut thirty times a game until he shatters again

  • Weak ass series by the Panthers

  • How the hell can Sam not get the ball over that

  • Pathetic offense

  • Our garbage backup center got immediately beat. Hilarious.

  • Everyone knew our first offensive play was going to be a run up the gut with CMC including the Patriots.   Why not use him as a decoy on the first play?  Brady had no idea how to throw defenses off balance.

  • The Pats are going to kill the Panthers Defense with Foxball

  • Penalty + sack and we literally can't ever stop that poo man its so dumb

  • Where are our dbs? They're getting burned!

  • Jones is standing firm in the pocket. If we can get to him, we can make his life pretty miserable today.

  • Shaq out here laying wood.

  • never thought we'd say shaq is a player you can build a team around but god damn

  • Losing the field position battle early on.

  • never understand why Panthers think deferring is a great strategy

  • Uh oh, this is dangerous territory. We need at least 2 first downs to switch the field position.

  • shaq is secretly Kuechly with a mask

  • OK we need to keep the ball awhile...Patriots 8min to Panthers 1 min....DEFENSE will be gased by 3rd lol

  • Good grief Sam.

  • Great series so far lol. Like watching pop Warner.

  • Does our offense practice?

  • Darnold fumbling already

  • Put PJ in

  • This game is painful to watch.

  • Lol this team

  • I hate this offense.

  • Clearly arent playing the falcons this week.

  • So today’s game will be just like every other game this season.

  • yea...he just threw it down like a dumbass....his brain...jayzus

  • Only option is to run it now

  • We should just punt on 2 down

  • This offense is offensive.

  • Darnold seeing ghosts early...smh

  • Same ole story OFFENSIVE LINE woes and POOR QB play....

  • This sh*t is so godamn predictable. I didn't think I could see a worse offense than Shula's, but here we are

  • Snooze fest. This is worse than nascar

  • And people wonder why PSL holders sell their tickets. here is your answer

  • this is very annoying to see how bad our coaching staff is

  • Hearing the crowd cheer when we have penalties is embarrassing. Why are the Carolina fans so trash?

  • need 25 yards , lets throw for 2 wtf

  • This Offense and Special teams can pound sand.

  • I've seen enough time to watch Formula 1

  • At this point I'm just rooting for better field position for punts

  • one of the ugliest offenses you can ever imagine

  • First team to 3 wins.

  • Late to the show, had Darnold started looking worse than the rookie Mac Jones yet?

  • Clearly going to lose today. Defense going to be a sieve in the second half

  • Yes this is great!! The bad part is Burns got hurt

  • A yikes and great play by Burns at the same time. Hope he's alright.

  • if we had a fuging Offense this team would be scary

  • That's our luck.  Something good, something bad.

  • Was that from Mac Jones tripping him? How they got all these cameras and we can’t get a clear shot of what happened?

  • Only this team has DEs that hurt THEMSLEVES getting a sack lol.

  • Mac jones is a b**** for tripping him

  • Ah yes, back to running CMC into a pile of bodies instead of running Chuba into a pile of bodies. Brilliant, huge difference. Don’t forget to take the best pass catching RB in the league out on 3rd and 5.

  • Love playing rookie Qbs

  • Operation hurt Mac Jones needs to be in effect after that bush league garbage.

  • Open season on Mac. Hit him how you like.

  • we broke out the wild cat. lol what a fuging wash this season has become

  • Is it just me or do we have a big problem with tipped balls at the line

  • Our offense is so inept, it’s painful to watch.

  • I don't see us winning if we can't pass past 5 yards

  • disgraceful series

  • We've waved the white flag on offense. All we're trying to do is not turn it over at this point. It's obvious.

  • Luvu just sent the returner into protocol

  • I love Luvu such an effort player he plays hard every play!

  • CBS has said nothing about Jones dirty bull****

  • we suck

  • Fug these refs. Picking up flags on the Patriots. Throwing phantom flags against us.

  • How did I know that flag was going to get picked up? I kid you not, I watch a lot of NFL games, and I have never seen another team get as many flags picked up (if any) than we do

  • I’d rather injure Jones than win this game at this point

  • Game

  • That Pats RB Stevenson runs like Blount

  • Good lord chandler....Getting b****ed around all day.

  • Donte Jackson hilarious with that shet effort there

  • We have no answer for.....the draw.

  • Stevenson is destroying us

  • They are deep throating the Panthers

  • Down 4 might be too much for this offense to overcome

  • How does Tepper sleep at night knowing his stadium is filled to the brim with opposing fanbases game after game.

  • Tepper is a massive tucking douchebag, he probably gets himself off to it

  • We’re going to lose. Horrible run defense. Phil Snow doesn’t know how to defend NFL run games.

  • PATS total offensive yards 126 to Panthers 39....absolutely TRASH our OFFENSE is...

  • i was hoping we could man up and get revenge on dirty mac but no we suck again

  • The Panthers are like marrying a girl that balloons to 300lbs right after you get married. You love her, but you're disgusted by her...and you know once the divorce is over she will lose you stay because you dont want to look shallow...and now you're just unhappy so you play on the PC to distract yourself.

  • Our bootleg actions always suck so hard.

  • Our offense is read so easy.  It feels like our playbook was sent to all teams.

  • I’m ready for another 3 and out. This offense never disappoints on those.

  • Joe Brady is the biggest problem with the offense. So god damn stupid.

  • Why do I do this to myself? This offense is so fuggin boring. I'm not even disappointed, just fuggin bored out of my mind. I wouldn't even mind at this point if we just started doing flea flickers or quadruple reverses.

  • Literally vanilla madden plays. Hell, ask madden would be better

  • The coaching staff is treating Darnold like a third string QB lol. They are terrified he will lose the game by throwing picks

  • Just show the CHEERLEADERS shaking their POM POMS the rest of the game....thats much more excited than our offense!

  • Worst Panthers offense I’ve ever had the displeasure to watch

  • This is not football!!!! Good god!

  • Sam Darnold shouldn’t throw another pass as a Panther.

  • Cam is a free agent

  • This one has potential to get REALLY ugly if the offense continues to be absolutely inept. Could be 42-6

  • Am I in hell and I don’t know it???

  • Yea, I think I’m going to head on out. This just isn’t fun at all. I'll give them to the half atleast

  • These guys are so bad I'm even wearing a paper bag over my head watching this at home.

  • lol Gilmore gets his revenge!!!

  • At least we have half of a professional football team

  • Can't stop the run on defense and can't block on offense.

  • Darnold STILL getting pressured on designed roll outs!

  • This friggin turf is taking out all our big guys

  • hey 6 or 7 more FGs and we gotta shot at this.

  • is there ever going to be a game that we just have a damn complete win

  • Cut Ian Thomas now!

  • It’s cool for Pats player to drag Thomas by his face mask 10 yds into the backfield though.

  • Pats are coming unblocked!  This is laughable.

  • "Catastrophe of a sequence". That about sums it up for me.

  • This offense looks like it never practices anything

  • This may be the most frustrating team we have fielded.  Even worse than Clausen and maybe even early 2000 team.  I don't know what it is but it's we just don't care from a coaching side.  

  • Is it wrong to hope the Panthers relocate so I can pull for a different team? I mean, sure, it's wrong.  But is it really, really wrong??

  • if that wide open td pass to CMC wouldn't have been batted down this would be a completely different game but alas the football gods are punishing us for the sins of this putrid coaching staff we need to exile them to save our chances at being one of the 5 worst football franchises in the league

  • This is much worse than what Ron would have built by now.

  • This game sucks. Got their QB intentionally twisting our best pass rusher's ankles. We got Clete Blakeman's crew shafting us yet again with BS calls. We got our offense sucking ass YET AGAIN for the 9th fuggin time (like really, what TF is our coaches doing during the week?). These games just put me in a bad mood the rest of the day. I was able to sit through the Clausen season, but this sh*t is different.

  • Our Run D is the Sam Darnold of the NFL.

  • That could be all the Patriots need.

  • Gotta love this dumbass franchise. Forever building defense in a offensive driven league.

  • Most frustrating game so far this season

  • All the capitol spent on this defense and it's pedestrian as hell. The offense isn't even an NFL level squad. Matt Rhule may be out of this depth.

  • Think how much we’ve improved on clock management.. we have all 3 of our timeouts left….. baby steps

  • Fire this staff at this point, this is a chicken poo way of playing

  • How come Jones has wide open lanes to throw and Sam has the great wall of china in his face???

  • For all the fans actually there live, I feel sorry for you I really do. Stop wasting your hard earned money on this sh*tshow.

  • Sam doesn’t throw good balls and is not in rhythm with receivers hence the ridiculously high drops. He also throws hospital balls. Insert a competent qb and this team is 6-2 maybe 7-1

  • The offensive coaching staff is a joke. IF we took mac jones he would look just as bad as Darnold does. This is on coaching.

  • Glad we got rid of teddy B. Definitely was the problem last year....... Lolz.

  • I used to take my piss breaks during I wait till the offense comes out.

  • Keep booing these clowns

  • This is as incompetent as a team can even be

  • This isn’t on Sam…. Jesus Christ couldn’t play behind this line

  • Sam Darnold is seeing ghosts, I'm sure of it now!

  • If you'an opposing team and your offense can muster up a score every four will beat us by double digits.

  • Those girls playing flag football can play offense better than the Panthers

  • God dammit Sam overthrew him

  • Pick six....That's it, I'm shoving a pencil in my eye.

  • Worst f#$&@king pass in the history of passes

  • Put in James Morgan now!!!

  • Fuggg!! I get back to the game and Darnold happens. My optimism needs Viagra.

  • At this point we have to just put the jugs machine in at QB

  • that was the offensive version of a career ending injury.  Hope Sam has saved his contract money because he's gonna be flippin burgers stocking shelves if he hasnt

  • Barmore is abusing our RG.  Who is that Scott?

  • Did darnold shrink? He can't throw over the lineman.


  • Sams famous hospital ball

  • You just have to laugh to keep from crying.

  • I have never seen QB'ing or OC'ing this fuging bad.  Please get rid of Darnold and Brady tonight.

  • Get rid of every one. Seriously. This is the worst embarrassment of a team and staff I have ever seen. No other team the Panthers have fielded have been this talented but inept.

  • That was a Madden-esque magnet-hands pick.

  • Hospital ball ouch.

  • That’s a hospital ball.

  • Sam just got DJ killed.

  • Hopefully Darnold gets COVID before next weeks game.

  • I am so fuggin done with Sam and his hospital balls.

  • picks and hospital balls. throw sam away like now

  • Another hospital ball from Sam. This is getting to be a safety issue at this point.

  • Darnold gonna get all the receivers killed before we can release him


  • this O philosophy throws more ***** ambulance balls than ive ever seen...

  • Belichick is tea-bagging Rhule.

  • Hat trick!

  • I dont want to everrrr see thisssss cocksucker take the field evvverrrrr againnnnnn!

  • You get a Int. ,you get a int. Errybody gets a int. Sam oprah darnold

  • It’s not Cam vs Sam. Why is that so hard for you idiots to understand. Neither Cam nor Sam should be starting. Not hard to get

  • Watching this team is somewhere between hemorrhoids and kidney stones.

  • Anything is better than Cam and his damn towel and dancing and rap music.

  • We got fleeced by the jets

  • people have clearly forgotten just how bad cam was in his last days here

  • Sam has the face of someone that knows he sucks at a job but is milking it till the end.  Difference is he will make millions and the dumb company paid him an extra year without seeing his productivity at all.

  • Sam Darnold's girlfriend is a well-hung donkey.

  • Take a good look SAM....defense playing tough....while you screw the pooch!!!  Sam you should be ashamed of yourself..and officially RETIRE tomorrow!

  • I'm blaming Burns injury on Sam too

  • REFS like....we gotta end this game and get to Charlotte strip clubs to PAAARRRTTTAAAYYYYYY

  • Ruhle got taken to the woodshed today be Belicheat.

  • I've never seen Belichick talk to a coach that long before...  Rhulr must've been kissing his ass and asked if he was happy with the amount of offensive snaps we gave them to run today.

  • This offense ... as a boy band would be the antithesis of Ensync.   They are at best the backstreetboys or spice girls....everyone sucks!  EveryOne!

E. Valdez Author Photo
E. Valdes
Memorable Sports Moments
SB39, SB49, SB51, Celtics 2007, Red Sox 04, Red Sox 13
