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The 2020 Roster Projection Contest

Yes, I’m still doing the roster projection contest

With the old site out of commission, I’ve got to write these rules from memory, as it’s time to once again announce the Roster Projection Contest.

The 2020 NEPFF/PFD Roster Projection Contest

How it works:

  • Send the names of the 53 players you think will make the Patriots’ roster

    at the initial cutdown to 53. If a player makes the initial cut but is released or traded before the first game of the season, he still counts. I recommend PatsPicker (link: for keeping track of roster space left.

  • If you think the Patriots will add a player not yet on the roster

    at a specific position, you may add that player. If you think they’ll keep fewer than 53 players, put fewer than 53 players on your roster and I’ll mark the remaining spots as blank spaces.

  • You can update your entries, or send in revised entries, until the deadline:

    midnight on September 4, the day before cutdowns begin. (Unless the NFL changed cutdown day due to COVID; I couldn’t find anything about that.)

  • Send your entries to

    (this is a different address than the prior one, which I no longer have access to).

It’ll be different this year with no preseason games to rely on, but I’m interested to see if that produces more or less variance in results. Either way, it should make for an intriguing August.

Good luck!

Matt Monitto Author Photo
Matt Monitto
Memorable Sports Moments
Super Bowl XXXVIII, Super Bowl LI, 2004 World Series, 2008 MLB All-Star Game, Attending the final two minor league games at New Britain Stadium
